Online Card Games for the Office

If you’re looking for some fun card games for the office, consider Coworker Feud, Scattergories,

War of the Wizards, or Codenames. All are great for team building and will get the office talking! Plus, they’ll keep employees entertained for hours. And, if you’re feeling especially competitive, try a game of Codenames or Scattergories! There’s an online version of every card game, including your favorites!

Coworker Feud

A game of Coworker Feud requires some planning, so it can be played remotely or in person. Premade questions can be used to create the game, or players can survey the office to determine which answers people find most popular. Whether you play the game in person or via remote access, the game will make you think ahead and practice teamwork. It also helps you build morale among colleagues, as the answers to commonly asked questions make you feel smart.


If you’re looking for a new word game to Pragmatic Play at your next office party or family game night, consider giving Scattergories a try. The rules of Scattergories are pretty simple: you and your team must come up with words related to each category. For each category you name, you get a point, and if you guess the right word first, you’ll get double the points! There are many online versions of this card game, and the basic rules are the same in each.

War of the Wizards

Playing War of the Wizards online card games at work can bring the entire company together for a virtual team building exercise. This game features 90 minutes of gameplay and is great for fostering a sense of camaraderie. The game also includes other games such as Master of Wizardry Things. In addition to the card game, you can also play the board game Pictionary together with your colleagues. Both games can be played via video chat calls or dry erase boards.


One of the best card games you can play with your colleagues is Codenames, a puzzle game based on the classic board game. To play, teams of two split into two, with one spymaster on each side. The spymaster provides clues in the form of one-word statements that lead to several words on the game board. Team members then try to guess as many words as possible that match the given clue. Whether you’re playing with colleagues or clients, Codenames is sure to make the office a more fun place to hang out.


In the past, it’s been hard to find a way to play the classic Pictionary board game at the office,but now, thanks to Zoom, you can play it with a group of colleagues virtually. While a game like this can be competitive, the game can actually increase coworker camaraderie. Besides, you’ll get to enjoy the social aspect of playing the game as well.